本帖最后由 灵岩放歌 于 2015-4-6 17:01 编辑
.聊斋月色(双语) 英译任雨铃
从蒲松龄手上买了一茅庐 不为耕读只作闲暇 不为蛙鸣只听雨霖 朗读五经 等待千年银狐
从蒲松龄手上买了一居室 不为书房只作寓居 不为藕香只为月色 翻阅四书 醉在南山草堂
明年春天来的时候 牵上你的手 寻找前世的诺言 穿过秦淮的风烟 找到三千年前的笑靥
The Studio of Strange Tales in Moonlight
By LingYan FangGe Tr. Angela Ren
I bought a cottage from Pu Songling Not for planting or reading but for leisure Listening not to frog croaking but to Angela singing There I can read the Five Classics aloud While waiting for the one-thousand-year silver fox
I purchased a room from Pu Songling Not for the studio but for my dwelling Enjoying not the lotus fragrance but the moonlight There I can browse the Four Books Intoxicated in the South Mountain cottage
When the spring comes next year I will hold your hand dear To seek the prelife promise thither Through the wind and mist of Qinhuai River To travel three millenniums for the smile of the prelife.