TA的每日心情 | 昨天 00:18 |
签到天数: 3735 天 [LV.Master]伴坛终老1
今天是2024新年来临的日子,今年也是我们四季歌面临重要的转型关头,我们管理集体需要有大视野,大气魄推进我们社区面向新的智能文化发展而进行工作转型, 当前,紧密跟踪智能技术的快速进步,大力推进智能文化在社区的普及推广。结合我们社区的具体工作实践, 大胆的提倡创新观念,创新思维,创新发展,创新管理是我们明年的工作重心。
新的文化时代使我们面临着许多的新的问题。比如智能文化的理论落后实践的问题,智能文化管理手段面临一些不确定性,创作文化中也面临一些新的道德界定和法律定性难题,需要我们去研究,去探讨,去实践。我们要研究探索智能时代文化建设的一系列新的问题。找到一些可行的解决办法和思路。起码是暂时可以操作的。可以有效实用的。我们是当代中国文化人,而且是具有管理权限的实践者,责无旁贷,应该有大的气魄,有这种担当。这大半年以来,我们管理集体忙忙碌碌,试图在这个历史阶段准确的找到自己的定位。完成这项历史任务。说心里话,大家都是很优秀的文化人,文化创作的高手,行家。但要完成这个历史任务,还需要大家集中集体的智慧,不断在实践中研究探索我们应该做什么?怎么做?怎样才能做好?可正是这个问题,我们还没有现成的答案!需要我们大家集中集体的智慧,在我们大家的创作、管理的实践中去寻找!去归纳,去解决,去完成 !
也许我们要耗费极大的精力,找到了一些具体创作方面和文化管理方面的解决办法。也许我们耗费了精力付出了代价,却没有找到更好的办法。但我们不能不努力寻找。这是我们应该走必须走的道路。也是我们的应有的对策。因为我们是当代中国文化人,有着不能推卸的历史责任。 也许,即便我们努力之后,还是被我们的同时代的文友们找到了解决办法,但我们不必遗憾,因为我们努力了,于心无愧。
I wish all core backbone members a happy new year: Today is the day when the new year 2024 is coming. This year is also an important transition moment for our Four Seasons. Our management collective needs to have a broad vision and boldness to promote our community to work towards the development of new intelligent culture. Transformation, currently, we should closely track the rapid progress of intelligent technology and vigorously promote the popularization of intelligent culture in the community.
Combined with the specific work practices of our community, boldly promoting innovative concepts, innovative thinking, innovative development, and innovative management will be the focus of our work in the next period of time.A new door to the century has been opened for us, and we need to stride in, even though there are still many confusions and doubts?Even timid, but there is no doubt that this road should be walked, and it must be walked well!Because the times dictate it and responsibility dictates it!As a master, there is no reason to back down.Science and technology workers are fighting against the unknown and opponents at the front!
We will do our best to improve the future and living environment of the country and nation.As a cultural person and a member of literary and artistic creators, we need to cheer up and shoulder the corresponding responsibilities to promote the work of intelligent assisted creation as soon as possible.The new cultural era makes us face many new problems.For example, the theory of intelligent culture lags behind its practice, the management methods of intelligent culture face some uncertainties, and creative culture also faces some new moral definition and legal qualitative problems, which require us to study, discuss, and practice.
We need to study and explore a series of new issues in cultural construction in the intelligent era.Find some feasible solutions and ideas.At least it's operational for the time being.Can be effective and practical.We are contemporary Chinese cultural people, and we are practitioners with management authority. We have unshirkable responsibilities and should have great courage and responsibility.Over the past six months, our management team has been busy trying to accurately find our position at this historical stage.Complete this historical mission.To be honest, we are all excellent cultural people, masters and connoisseurs of cultural creation.But to complete this historical task, we still need to pool our collective wisdom and continue to study and explore in practice what should we do?How to do it? How to do it well? But for this question, we don’t have a ready-made answer yet! We all need to pool our collective wisdom and find it in our creation and management practices! To summarize, to solve, and to complete !
Maybe we have to spend a lot of energy to find some specific solutions in terms of creation and cultural management.Maybe we spent our energy and paid the price, but failed to find a better way.But we can't help but look for it.This is the path we must take.This is also our proper response.Because we are contemporary Chinese cultural people and have historical responsibilities that we cannot shirk.Perhaps, even after we work hard, our literary contemporaries still find a solution, but we don’t have to regret it, because we have worked hard and have a clear conscience.The era of intelligent culture brings us many unknowns, as well as many opportunities and possibilities.
I hope we can seize the opportunity and that our collective can stand at the forefront of the times.